How to get rid of old paintball gun? 5 Simple Steps

The most common question that comes into the mind of a paintball game lover is how to take a part from an old paintball gun and replace it with a new and advanced one.

The guns and other equipment can harm the opponent in the game if not used carefully. Paintball players must know the rules and regulations of weapons and games.

They should also know how to replace the old paintball gun with the new one.

Paintball guns need proper disposal if they get old. As you know, a Paintball Gun could be hazardous for the people who come in contact with this waste if it was just thrown into the trash.

You must think about all the possible outcomes if you violate any regulation regarding paintball weapons. In this blog, we will cover all the possible steps to dispose of the old paintball gun with the help of an easy guide.

Easy Step-by-Step Guide How to get rid of old paintball gun.

Disposing of the Paintball Gun:

How to get rid of old paintball gun
  • Almost every paintball gun lover does not want to sell their guns because they want to face a huge depreciation in the original value of the weapon.
  • Keep in mind that no other player will like to buy the paintball gun if its internal system is entirely damaged and the gun is not able to shoot a single shot.
  • In such cases, you have to dispose of your paintball gun in the trash which is a very difficult feeling for a passionate gamer.

[Remember]: As we know paintball guns also have an air system that contains CO2 gas filled in it. This gas with all the pressure makes the system more dangerous than works to fire a ball from the paintball gun.

Putting your gun in the trash can be very dangerous for the people who contact it. So before throwing your gun in the trash, remove the CO2 tank, detach the parts, and empty the tank.

Sell Your Old Paintball Gun:

  • The next idea that comes to the mind of a paintball gamer is to sell the old paintball gun if it does not work properly.
  • The paintball gun that has defects such as it does not shoot properly with the desired velocity and speed, and a damaged upper body but has an efficient and working internal system can sell easily.

[Remember]: If you want to sell your paintball gun then there might be some responsibilities. You have to follow the rules and regulations to sell the paintball marker and make sure that the person you are selling it to is above the age limit to possess the weapon, otherwise, you will have to pay a fine.

Recycle the Paintball Gun:

A paintball gun can be recycled by disassembling the gun into separate parts. Careful instruction has to be made as it consists of an air tank filled with CO2. This tank needs to be kept away from the range of people.

When you decide to recycle your paintball gun, you will have to divide the gun into parts that are recyclable or not.

Take the recyclable parts to the station and the non-recyclable parts should be destroyed and thrown away in a professional manner.

Give Away the Paintball Gun:

  • If you are busy and do not want to spend time of finding an appropriate buyer who can give you a good price, then you can simply give it to someone without any price.
  • Many paintball owners who are not looking for money by selling their old damaged gun can simply give it to another player without any cost.
  • You can give your paintball gun to a player friend, newbie, or anyone in the closed circle.
  • With the help of this, many others enjoy a game of paintball without investing a lot of money in buying an expensive gun.
  • After discussing almost all the possible ways to get a part from your paintball gun, a very common question came to arise in our mind that

If we are selling old paintball guns then is it worth it to buy old paintball guns?

Are old paintball guns worth anything?

  • The answer is yes, of course, old paintball guns are worth buying because you do not have to invest a lot of money for buying a paintball gun as many professional players are passionate to get the latest models by selling their older ones.
  • You can get these models at a lower price when they are resold. You can also sell the older parts of your paintball guns. If you are a newbie or a beginner, then you should buy an old and a used gun.

How do I dispose of the CO2 tank of a paintball gun?


As you know, a Paintball gun consists of an air tank filled with CO2 which is dangerous for your health if you throw it into the trash bin. You should empty the carbon dioxide tank, remove it, disassemble all the parts, destroy the parts, and then throw them away in the trash. Now the chance and possibility of someone getting hurt might decrease.

Final Verdict:

In this blog, we tried our best to cover all the steps and possible ways to dispose of and get rid of your old paintball gun. I hope it will add some information to your knowledge.

Thanks for reading!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I throw my old paintball gun in the trash?

How can I donate my old paintball gun?

Where can I sell my old paintball gun?

How can I recycle my old paintball gun?

Should I disassemble my old paintball gun before disposing of it?

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